Board of Management

Kinglake Ranges Childcare Centre is a community run facility that is driven by community needs. To keep the centre running there is a Board of Management which is run by volunteers.
The Board of Management is currently complied of volunteers with a range of skills and life experiences, with people from all walks of life and backgrounds, bringing a wealth of knowledge to the governance of our centre. Each year this evolves as members put up their hand to volunteer to make a difference to our centre.
Board of Management Policy Manual
Give a little. Help a lot.
Become a board member.
Are you a motivated, energetic community member who wants to contribute to your child's early learning service?
Have 2 hours a month that you'd be spending on Netflix, mowing the lawn or tinkering in the shed?
How about using that time to volunteer on the KRCC Board of Management, helping make changes to benefit your child, and get a discount off your childcare fees while you're at it?
If you have experience in marketing fundraising, grant writing, financial management, human resources or simply have a passion and drive to make difference, then please apply to volunteer.​